Saints! Know who your real enemy is! You are NOT called to fight foot soldiers. You are SENT to bring down principalities and powers...
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A few days ago I tweeted out a post from my Kingdom Living 101 series. 'You are NOT called to fight foot soldiers. You are SENT to bring down principalities and powers.'
I was inspired by Ephesians 6:12 when Paul the Apostle states; 'For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.'
I was particularly struck by the way Paul articulated who our struggle is and isn't with. First, his words emphasize the strategic part we play in the Lord's dominion mandate. Second, the significance of our stature against the forces we are contending with. This perspective comes from the throne room to convict and motivate us to get into the fight and not remain on the sidelines spectating.
When I read the Old and New Testament. I am compelled by the saints, citizens, prophets, priests and kings who demonstrated patriotism by walking defiantly into no man's land and standing their ground against an insurmountable enemy on behalf of the nation.
Consider Abraham going to war against five kings. Moses standing against Pharoah or David facing Goliath and the Philistines. Do we treat these passages as stories or historical accounts? Do we detach this from the here and now or are we inspired to serve our generation in like manner?
Thinking about when David stood against Goliath, who would you have been in that situation? Would you have been the man at home? The man rejected due to fear, the man trembling on the front line or the David on the offensive ready to engage with an enemy who does not measure up to his spiritual stature.
If we saw ourselves as God sees us then I am sure we would have relished the fight to see a victory that glorifies the King of kings.
In the book of Acts 16:34 Paul the Apostle is moved to contend with authorities and powers due to the idolatry taking place in Athens. Seeing this he began to challenge the religious and secular leaders/philosophies of the day, preaching and teaching in local synagogues and publicly in the marketplace concerning the kingdom of God and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Paul was a remarkable patriot of the kingdom. He was always on the offensive looking for ways to demonstrate Christ's dominion wherever he saw a usurping authority. That's why Paul's words resonate so much and are still echoed throughout the generations today. Paul wasn't commentating on someone else's boldness, courage and exploits. He was recording his life and experiences first hand. Each word penned down, was a tangible witness to every struggle and success.
From enduring hardships, beatings, imprisonments and riots to deliverance's, revelations, healings and resurrections. Paul knew firsthand what it meant to see the dominion of God manifest in the affairs of men. When Paul penned these words, he did so with the understanding that a soldier doesn’t put on armour for personal fights. Rather he wears it to go into battle on behalf of the King to fight for the nation.
So what does the warfare look like today?
Considering the whole epistle and Paul's life we have to come to terms with the fact that Christ's dominion manifests in a wrestle with both spiritual and natural authority and powers. If we are reluctant to engage offensively with earthly authorities and powers this only serves to highlight our immature perception of our heavenly stature.
Paul argues this when he focuses upon the need for us to maintain the unity of the spirit so that we might mature into the headship of Christ. As citizens of the kingdom are we preparing our cv for ruling with Christ, by standing for righteousness and holiness now.
Our local communities can no longer afford to spectate on the sidelines allowing unrighteousness laws to corrupt our communities.
In closing I would encourage you to reflect on the following when reading Ephesians 6:10-13: Are you wearing your armour? If so why? And who is the actual enemy your fighting?
For King and for country...