In this series of Hub Talks our speakers focus on how we can be productive, solve problems and increase wealth as citizens of God’s kingdom in a time of crisis.
Date: June 2020
In this series of Hub Talks, our speakers focus on how we can be productive, solve problems and increase wealth as citizens of God’s kingdom.
Session 1: Our first investment property.
Pelumi and Elizabeth share the journey they took to buy their first investment property.
Session 2: Strategies for generating income.
In this session, Nicola McKenzie shares her 4P's strategy for generating income.
Session 3: Journey to productivity.
In this session, Esther and Jokae share their journey to productivity. How to navigate the highs and lows of developing businesses which provide unique products and services.
Session 4: Ups and downs of entrepreneurship.
In this session, Stephen Boakye (Co-founder and partner of Cornerstone) will be talking about the ups and downs of entrepreneurship.