Discover Citizenship 2015
The ministry host Discover Citizenship 2015 (Building, colabouring and reaping the kingdom).
The ministry host Discover Citizenship 2015 (Building, colabouring and reaping the kingdom).
As the Revelation, wisdom, knowledge and understandings of the kingdom takes precedence, our understanding of “koinonia” the way in which citizens collaborate together must also take on new meaning.
About a year ago I moved back to London with ‘tourist eyes’. When you have been somewhere else for a period of time and then come back to space that was previously occupied, you become aware of the detail that you have taken for granted.
In multicultural London you can find a buffet of churches with specific national flavours, you can pick and choose what suits you. As a result, many have formed a mixed race religion, containing a bit of truth and a bit of tradition.
David and Jonathan's relationship was birthed out of wars between the Philistines and Israel. After David killed Goliath, the bible said that 'the soul of Jonathan was knit to the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul.' - 1 Samuel 18:1.
What does a letter, an email and social media have in common? Conversation. Yes, conversation.
Matthew 7:13 echo the simple words spoken by the Messiah over two thousand years ago. These words remind humanity that there are two directions for life. These paths characterise on the one hand relativism and the other absolutism.