Hidden truths from the tabernacle

The Tabernacle was a magnificent piece of architecture during the Israelite's time in the wilderness. 

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Each element and material used in the building of the Tabernacle illustrates an eternal truth for us now to uncover and understand. 

The shittim boards depict to us how we are to remain standing upon Christ’s redemption beholding His glory.

This quarter, let us look at the significance of the boards that enclose the Sanctuary in the Tabernacle of old and what truths they unveil to us. God instructed Moses and provided him with the blueprint of the Tabernacle on Mount Sinai. The Earthly tabernacle was an imitation of the Heavenly Tabernacle shown to Moses. The Earthly Tabernacle is a foreshadowing of the work and testimony of Christ the King and His Ekklesia. Every material and element typifies a truth that Christ manifests in the New Covenant. God’s truth is eternal and by understanding the tabernacle, its symbols and its significance it will depict to His Ekklesia the eternal truths.
Hebrews 8:5, 9:23, 1 Corinthians 15:46-47, 2 Corinthians 4:18.

Shittim (Acacia) tree is typically found in deserts and used for building because of its durability. When the Israelites in the wilderness were constructing the Tabernacle at the Lord’s behest, He commanded the use of Shittim wood to be turned into a board which is a flat piece of wood. The boards were overlaid with gold, fitted together and was raised on top of silver sockets. There were 48 boards used in the framework of the sanctuary. 1 Corinthians 10:11, Exodus 36:20-26, Exodus 26:26-30
Each element and material first point to a truth that Christ manifests, then His Ekklesia represents. For the purpose of this article, I will focus on what these elements reveal for His Ekklesia. 


Shittim represents redeemed humanity; before God found us, we were deprived and dead, but God took us through the process that these boards underwent. The sinner becomes a saint and is fashioned and fitted together in His tabernacle, before His throne.
Exodus 26:15, 1 Peter 2:5, 9

The boards

The boards stood up and were placed upright. God’s citizens are to stand boldly in His presence and govern according to His law.
Exodus 26:15, Ephesians 6:13, Psalm 140:13

Overlaid in gold

The boards were overlaid with gold, which represents God’s holiness, Deity and Glory. As citizens our nature has changed and we are a new creation in Christ Jesus and we are to manifest His glory and holiness. 2 Corinthians 5:17, 2 Peter 1:4, 1 Peter 1:16

Silver sockets

The boards are erected on silver sockets. Silver represents redemption. The silver sockets of redemption are the base of the sanctuary and signify the salvation through which Jesus Christ translated His Sons and Daughters from the kingdom of Darkness to His Kingdom of Light. Exodus 26:19, Colossians 1:13

As citizens, we have been redeemed by the blood of His lamb, that is the foundation of our victory. We stand on this truth and we remain upright in the face of opposition. We only enter the Ekklesia (government) once our sinful nature has changed and we inhabit His incorruptible seed. We stand upright in His presence because of the continuous mediation of His law in our hearts. We are fashioned together as His tabernacle in one accord to legislate His will and show forth His glory and praise.
1 Peter 2:9, 1 Peter 1:23, Ephesians 2:21-22
The Ekklesia means “called out” and we have been called out of the wilderness to be underpinned by His law. To also enter into the framework of the Tabernacle as each citizen is fitted together. The Ekklesia is founded upon His atonement and each citizen demonstrates His glory and is holy as Christ is holy. This is because we are His sanctuary not buildings made of bricks and mortar.
1 Corinthians 3:16
It becomes demonstrable that there are truths hidden in the Tabernacle that awaits His sons and daughters to find the significance and meaning. Presently, with the proliferation of spoon fed devotionals, there seems to be little desire to study and decipher the codes of the scriptures. The focus of our individual devotions is ‘I’ centered rather than nation centered.
The Tabernacle was not made with one material alone and God considered the blend of all materials and the appreciation of each’s purpose. God has chosen each citizen and carefully considered each of our blends (personality, office and gifts) and assembles us in His Ekklesia.
To stand,
We are not alone.
To stand,
We stand strong.
To stand,
We remain upright.
To stand,
We proclaim song.
To stand,
We uphold truth.
To stand,
We govern,
To stand,
We prevail.
To stand,
We rise up.
To stand,
We never fail.
To my brethren, recognize this call to stand, we only have one lifetime to respond to His call.